1884 Stitchery
All Products
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Finished Pieces
1884 Stitchery Exclusives
Sheepish Antiques
Sheepish Designs
Threads of Gold
Michelle Ink Designs
Sampler Recreations
McIntosh Samplers
Arelate Studio
Hillside Samplings
Merrily Beams
Of Female Worth
Historic Stitches
Worcester Art Museum
$2 Charts!
More Fabric!
Accoutrements & More
Brenda Keyes (The Sampler Company)
Barbara Ana
Blackbird Designs
Blue Ribbon Designs
Brenda Gervais
Bent Creek
Birds of a Feather
Cottage Garden Threads
Carriage House Samplings / Kathy Barrick
Country Cottage Needleworks
Cherished Stitches
Chessie & Me
The City Stitcher
The Cricket Collection
DOVO Scissors
The Drawn Thread
Examplars From The Heart / Examplar Dames
Earth Threads
Erica Michaels
Elizabeth's Needlework Designs
The Examplarery
Eileen Bennett
Ewe And Eye And Friends
Glendon Place
The Goode Huswife
Hands To Work
Hester's Needle
Hands On Design
Hello from Liz Mathews
Heartstring Samplery
The Heart's Content
Heart In Hand
Hands Across the Sea
Homespun Elegance
Indigo Rose
Ink Circles
JBW Designs
Just Nan
Jeannette Douglas
Lavender & Lace / Butternut Rd. / Told In A Garden
Little House Needleworks
Lizzie Kate
Long Dog Samplers
Milady's Needle
Moira Blackburn
Mirabilia / Nora Corbett
Mill Hill Beads
Mill Hill Bead Kit
Magazines / Books
NeedleWork Press / Needlemade Designs
Notforgotten Farm
The Nebby Needle
The Needle's Prayse
Owl Forest Embroidery
Permin of Copenhagen
Pineberry Lane
Prairie Moon
The Prairie Schooler
Plum Street Samplers
Queenstown Sampler Designs
Rosewood Manor
Silks by Vikki Clayton
Sew Pretty Pins
The Sweetheart Tree
Shakespeare's Peddler
Stickideen von der Wiehenburg
Sampler Cove
Stacy Nash Primitives
Samplers Revisited
Shepherd's Bush
Threads & More Threads
The Marking Samplar
Threads Through Time
The Essamplaire
Threadwork Primitives
The Scarlet Letter
The Scarlett House
Teresa Wentzler
Teresa Kogut
The Victoria Sampler
The Workbasket
With My Needle
Waxing Moon
Fabric and threads